Cookery club for pre-school (from the age 3) and primary school children. The classes have started in September 2021 in our local Woodstock kitchen.

Please register your interest below and we will let you know more details nearer the time. Spaces are limited due to the nature of our kitchen and allocated on a first come first served basis.

You will be able to book a term. At the classes children will make delicious food, learn new skills, play food related games and most importantly, have lots of fun. Children will also have a chance to expand their knowledge of ingredients and build their confidence and independence in the kitchen.

Both the morning pre-school classes and he afternoon classes will last 1 hour. The cost will be £11.50 for the morning class and £13.50 for the afternoon class. The price includes all the ingredients, equipment, packaging and recipes. If you wish you may book just one class to make sure your child enjoys it.